Microsoft Teams - Missing Chats
Troubleshooting Procedure
MS Teams
“My chats are gone / An important chat-window has disappeared”
Reflect, did you close your MS Teams in a clean way every evening.
If your MS Teams is still active, and your computer enters a hibernate state as a result of you closing your laptop for storage. (or if you have just been idle for a very long time), it is possible that this might have an effect on your chat-windows.
In this case you need to reboot MS Teams.
Simply close the application completely (check your icons near the clock on your windows bar to see if it did not just minimize instead of closing) and start it up by doubleclicking the MS Teams desktop icon.
As soon as you have done this all your chat-windows should have re-appeared.
If the previous step did not resolve your issue, then you have probably hidden your chats.
At the top of MS Teams, in the search bar, you type the name of your contact you had the hidden chat with. (in our example below this is 'Robin Van Elsen')
Click the naam in the dropdown list and your chat will re-appear
As soon as you exit your chats, these will dissapear once again.
You will still need to set it so they remain visible (see next step)
If there are no more chats visible even with this step, then unfortunately they were probably removed and there will be no way to recover them.
Your chat will be visible once again, select this chat window and click the 3-orb symbol next to the chat to view the chat options.
Here you should choose 'Make Visible' (="Zichtbaar maken" in Dutch)
From now on this chat will remain visible even after closing.